A A Grey Squirrel is a regular visitor to our garden. It has been to the bird table so many times that the birds just accept it and don't seem to be too bothered about its presence. It spends most of its time trying and succeeding at getting sunflower husks etc from the bird-feeders!
During one of our many trips to feed the waterfowl at Lakeside, the Mute Swans are ever present. My wife will stand on the shingle beach and get surrounded by hungry Swans, Geese and other assorted waterfowl.This Ruddy Darter was very obliging during one of the warmer days at Lakeside.
While on a short break to South Wales, I chanced upon this Dipper. Can you see it in the lower right corner of the photo? This is a first for me and I was treated to a spectacular show as the bird repeatedly dived into the fast-flowing stream!
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