Wednesday, June 17, 2009

JUNE 2009 - Acrobatic Squirrel!!

Wednesday 17th, this morning Melanie captured these videos of a couple of Squirrels performing acrobatics to get a morsel or two of bird food. We quite often get visits in the garden by one or two Squirrels and the birds don't seem to be too worried by this, though they do keep a respectable distance.

Tonight at about 9:10pm we had a visit from a couple of Black-headed Gulls! To my knowledge this has not happened before. Oh..we get Black-headed Gulls on the school playing-fields close-by, but we have never had any land on our house roof! The quiet of this Summers' evening was shattered by a loud squawking. At first we were at a loss as to what it was. We looked through the back windows, then the front windows, but could see nothing. I dashed outside into the back garden (minus camera) a saw this pair - a mating pair of Black-headed Gulls stood on the ridge tiles squawking their heads off and presumably eyeing-up the fish in the pond! On seeing me they flew off still squawking. Does this mean that they will come back at some point in time to take advantage of an easy meal? Who knows? But in my experience, when a bird has made a mental note of where there is easy food, they invariably make a return visit!

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