Tuesday 25th: Melanie took this photo of this strange-looking Collard Dove today. It had landed on the bird-table and was listening intently to all the noises around it. It let my wife get very close to take these photos. It appears that the Dove has one eye missing. What would've caused this? Possibly the bird was hatched with one eye missing, but unlikely as it is doubtful as to whether it would have survived. Maybe it had been attacked at sometime in the past? Or maybe the Dove has an infection that has become malignant? Looking closely at the photos, there appears to be some kind of growth underneath the skin on the neck. We assume that it only had one eye missing, my wife didn't get a clear look at the left side of its head. How else would it have got to the bird table if it was totally blind. It did fly off when Melanie approached too closely!
While on my lunch break today at Work, I had a splendid view of a male Kestrel perched atop a small building. It spent about 30 mins there, occasionally swooping down to the ground. Typically, I get a good view but no camera to hand!