Sunday, August 9, 2009

August 2009 - Peacock butterflies in the garden.

Saturday 8th: Being a sunny and warm day, the flowers attracted the Butterflies and other insects into the garden. Two Peacock Butterflies were spending a lot of time fluttering over the Buddleia. This type of Butterfly must be one of the prettiest of all Butterflies. They seem to be fairly common as I myself have seen several at various locations this Summer! Another type is a common visitor to the garden, the Large White. Hoverflies are also attracted by the Lily and there are quite a few of them.

Until the 5th of this month, a couple of Fledgling Wood Pigeons had been visiting the garden on a regular basis. We think they were both related in that they came from the same nest. Whenever we saw one, the other was close at hand. So it was with sadness that we found the remains of one of them in the garden. We suspect that a Sparrowhawk was the culprit. The other young Wood Pigeon visited the garden a few times afterwards (I'm writing this on the 30th) but has not been seen for a few days now.


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