Sunday 1st: Melanie finished the pen for the Hoglets, that she began making on Saturday. Though they have because accustomed to roaming all over the garden, (under supervision), they have a secure area for when they have a nap! We are taking them outside more and more while we have this warm weather as they benefit from the smells, sounds and feel of the outside. Although this is only a small taster of what the future holds for them should they become independent enough to 'go it alone'! We still house them indoors for safety and warmth at night. When outside, they will all split-up and explore by themselves and at times it requires two pairs of eyes to keep tabs on them as they are into everything! Above are photos of the 3 Hoglets: top is 'Pinky', female and weighing 122 grammes, next is 'Grumpy', female and weighing 100 grammes and finally is the male, Little-lad, weighing 66 grammes.
Each of the Hoglets has developed their own personality: the little male who is still 2 weeks behind the others in development will only feed on kittens-milk with tiny fragments of kittens food mixed in. Still wobbly on his legs but roams far and wide in the garden even though his eyes are still not fully open. Half the size of his siblings, he still looks for human contact in the shape of Mel. The Hoglet we call 'Grumpy' is by far the most advanced in terms of awareness and the ways of Hedgehogs. Of the three, she looks very much like an adult Hedgehog, though not in bulk! She prefers to be on her own and snuffles the ground in search of new tastes and smells. She will often snort, puff and head-butt anything that comes near her, including myself and Mel! We can only explain this as 'the change', moving from Hoglet to Hedgehog. Today though she was very preoccupied with my arm and spent some time licking it and anointing herself without even a snort! The third, also a female is at present the heaviest at 122 grammes but appears not to have acquired that sense of 'self' that Hedgehogs develop. She is the most inquisitive of the three and is into anything and everything. All are now 5 weeks old and though still under weight, they are healthy and active. 

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