Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Blast from the past - Birthday Falcons!

21st May 2008: A surprise birthday present for me today. Melanie took me on a mystery tour to deepest Lincolnshire. For what, I knew not? It was a surprise right up to the moment I parked the car at a remote house on the Lincolnshire plains. for the surprise was an afternoon at a Falconry and even better, we get to fly the raptors.

This was a private session with just Melanie and myself there. The husband and wife team of Falconer's gave us a talk about the birds that they have; 2x Harris Hawks, an Eagle Owl and a Lanner Falcon. All had been reared from the egg and so were fairly humanised. All of them were large birds and when the time came to hold one of them... heavy too!
Over in the flat, flat fields, we were given a flying display by one of the Harris Hawks and very impressive it was too. Though we were a bit worried and so was the Falconer when "Bovis", the Harris Hawk went and perched on an enormous hedge and refused to return even after repeated calls. Eventually the Falconer had to go over to the hedge and retrieve "Bovis".

Both Mel and I had an opportunity to fly "Bovis" and to have him fly direct towards your arm and then at the last moment slam on the air-brakes as he lands on your gloved hand, is very impressive! What a birthday present.... thanks Mel!

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