Saturday, March 26, 2011

March 2011 - Blackbird on nest

Tuesday 22nd: A female Blackbird that has moved into the nest near the back door is sitting on 3 eggs. By our calculations, the eggs may hatch next Wednesday. The nest was previously built and owned by the female Blackbird that died last December. The photo below was taken at 5:20pm today. Meanwhile another pair of Blackbirds are nesting in the conifers at the bottom of the garden. The male is a frequent visitor to the kitchen for live mealworms.

Hedgehogs to return to the garden soon. All three have gained weight over the winter months and will go back into the garden for a couple of weeks, soon. Having checked with various sources, the weather has not warmed sufficiently for pre-release. Hopefully we will then transfer them to a friends' garden where they will make the first steps into the wild.

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