Thursday, May 5, 2011

May 2011 - Sparrowhawk season!

Thursday 5th: Sparrowhawk visits to the garden, and I suspect other gardens, are becoming more frequent now. Today at 2pm, a male Sparrowhawk perched on the arch in the garden as can be seen above. From the study window, holding the camera outside, I snapped a succession of photos as Melanie stood motionless not 10 feet away. This is the time of the season when the female Sparrowhawk will be sitting on a clutch of eggs and the male will need to find and catch small birds, mammals etc in order to keep her well nourished. On this occasion, he nipped into and through the conifers to grab a small bird. Promptly he took off back towards the nest clutching the live bird in his talons and the waiting female.

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