Sunday, June 17, 2012

April 2012 - Lakeside & Hatfield Moors (south)

Sunday 15th: Woke up this morning to bright sunshine so decided to get a few hours, first at Hatfield Moor and then down at Lakeside.

Male Chaffinch under feeders at Hatfield Moor.
Female Greenfinch.
Male Greenfinch.
This Linnet was one of a small group of 6 that flew from the adjacent field to perch on nearby saplings.

Quite a few Oystercatchers around the Moor today.

Above: two photos of a female Reed Bunting. Unusual as females don't normally develop the back cheek banding as the males.
As ever, the Reed Bunting was at the feeders.

This Chiffchaff was very obliging!
Greylag Geese and Goslings.
Above: Can you spot the Little Ringed Plover amongst the Shelducks and Tufted Ducks?

Above: Two pairs of Teal.

Lakeside: After a couple of hours at Hatfield Moor, I drove down to the Lakeside to see if anything new has turned-up.

This Common Coot pair were into nesting.

 Above: two photos of Mallard ducklings. I counted 14 in all. Wonder how many will make it to adulthood.

This Great Crested Grebe pair were clearly in the mood!


 House Sparrow.

Tufted Ducks.

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