Saturday, October 20, 2012

May 2012 - Lakeside & other Birds

Tuesday 29th: After finishing at work, a short drive down the road to Lakeside to put my camera through some more tests. Yes, another lovely warm evening. People around, enjoying the late afternoon sun.

This is a photo of contemplation. The Sikh is sat on the pebble beach communing with nature.
A Coot on her nest, resting in the warm sunshine.
A Black-headed Gull, unusually resting and quiet!
Great-crested Grebes often take to Donny Lakeside.
Suspect that this is a Lesser Black-backed Gull.
We get our far share of Herring Gulls too.
Close by, a clutch of Mallard duckings explored a sheltered cove under the watchful eyes of the parent Mallards.

Getting home I took advantage of the sunny and warm evening by sitting in the garden. In the conifers a few feet away was perched one of the Blackbird fledglings that had hatched a couple of weeks earlier. It was waiting to be fed by the male and in between feeds would close its eyes for a moments rest.

Sunday 27th: An early morning midday to Hatfield Moor (North) to test my new camera. Warm day with clear blue sky - great to be out in the countryside! While driving down the narrow country lane, between farms, several Turkeys jumped out in front of the car forcing me to slam on the anchors! Curious, a couple wandered straight towards the car, peering at me all the while! Then joined by others, they wandered into the adjacent ploughed field. This is the first encounter with wild Turkeys that I have experienced. Usually they are on my plate!

Friday 25th: The female Blackbird is not at all worried by the presence of us in the kitchen - she is too trusting! Both Mel and I can get to almost touching distance of her! In fact she tends to stand around if the bowl is empty and flick her wings in order to get our attention.

There's all sorts of wildlife in the garden. This green Weevil with orange legs provided a test of close (macro) photography by Mel.

Wednesday 23rd: Occasionally, a passing Greenfinch will stop off in our garden - probably on it's way to Sandra's!!

Tuesday 22nd: The Blackbirds and House Sparrows are regularly coming into the kitchen for live mealworms throughout the day. The male Blackbird predominately collects a beak full and feeds the fledling Blackbirds,while the female mainly feeds herself! The birds have young to feed and are not at all shy about dashing in to get a beak full of mealworms.

 There are still plenty of Frogs in the garden. Most are in and around the pond as is the one below.

Saturday 12th: Mel and I went over to Elizabeth's house to do some gardening and all the time in the front, this cheeky Robin would nip in between Mel and her trowel to grab a tasty morsel. A very confident Robin, it wasn't put off by the constant movement of us and noise!


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