Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November 2012 - Sparrowhawk in the garden!

Wednesday 27th: For the last few weeks, the garden has been empty of the usual squadron of House Sparrows and Starlings have been almost nonexistent, except for the odd one or two. On talking to others, this could be due to the time of year. But the upside of this is that we are seeing more Coal, Blue and Great Tits visiting the feeders. Even the Grey Wagtail has been hanging around the garden and taking live mealworms. Of course there could be another reason why the garden is quiet: regular visits by the local Sparrowhawk. We don't always see her, but she is around. Today I came home from running an errand at lunchtime and Mel called down; "the Sparrowhawk is here!". Looking out the window, there she was on her usual perch over the pond, with a fresh kill. We couldn't tell for sure what it was but it may have been a House Sparrow. The raptor didn't even seem too bothered that we were at the back door with binoculars and camera. She continued to feed on the carcass, and staying to digest her meal for some 15 minutes.

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