Saturday, October 3, 2009

Ocober 2009 - Sprotbrough Flash YWT...again!

Saturday 3rd: Well...I got up early and was at the Flash for 9:15am, no sign of the Osprey. Speaking to some birders there, they told me that the last time it was seen was late last Thursday afternoon...typical! I was there last Thursday for a couple of hours in the afternoon, so it must've put in an appearance about an hour or so after I'd left for Denaby Ings! The talk was that it might have left the area for sunnier climes! So the world and his wife have seen the Osprey at Sprotbrough Flash...except ME!

Getting back home at lunchtime, Melanie tells me that "its all been happening here in the garden!" Just my luck, not only do I miss-out on the Osprey but I also miss-out with my own back yard! As can be seen from the photo and the short film that Melanie got, a female Sparrowhawk was playing peek-a-boo in the conifers with the resident House Sparrow population. This time she didn't make a kill. But last Thursday (again I miss-out), a feral Pigeon had a close encounter with her but got away!

So, while I was out, a male Blackbird flew into the house and as can be seen by the photo, flew upstairs! Eventually Mel managed to get it to exit via a window!

Also, the male Blackbird that had been mauled by something back in early September made another appearance in the garden. Two days in a row! He disappeared for several days and we feared the worst. But he is surviving, his feathers are gradually growing back as can be seen by comparing the two photos below. The top image is from today and the bottom image is from the 12th September when he first returned to the garden after the incident!

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