Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December 2009 - Sparrowhawk terrorises House Sparrows

Thursday 3rd: From about lunchtime today until 4:10pm, the Sparrowhawk (I would think that this is the same individual that has visited the garden these past few occasions) resided in the garden, killing and eating two House Sparrows and preventing any bird from feeding at the feeders. It was only at around 2:30pm that she caught the first male House Sparrow. She did not kill the Sparrow before she began to pluck it. So some viewers may find the video footage upsetting. This is nature in the raw! The Sparrowhawk then caught a second Sparrow at about 3.45pm, just as it's geting dark. Again she didn't kill the Sparrow before plucking it! We've since trawled the internet and found that Sparrowhawks in common with some other small birds of prey, do not always kill their prey before plucking or eating it. Finally she departed the garden at about 4:10pm in the gloom of dusk.

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