Saturday, December 5, 2009

December 2009 - Sparrowhawk returns!

Saturday 5th: The Sparrowhawk came back for a return visit to the garden this morning. The raptor returned on three other occasions during the afternoon. While it was here, the bird would repeatedly fly down to the ground from its perch and try to catch a mouse. On its second visit a hapless mouse was caught and killed by the raptor. The first time we saw the Sparrowhawk was about 10:50am. In all probability it had made earlier visits but as we had a sleep-in, we don't know for sure. While it was here, as one would expect, the surrounding area was devoid of any other bird life but for a squirrel. At first the Squirrel was apprehensive but very quickly just ignored the Sparrowhawk. Though he was chancing his life by repeatedly getting close to the bird, he would get a monkey-nut and stroll past the Sparrowhawk and up a tree. I suspect that the Sparrowhawk would not unnecessarily attack the Squirrel unless he ventured too close and risk injury.

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