Friday, January 15, 2010

January 2010 - Fieldfare returns!

Thursday 14th: Is this the same Fieldfare seen last weekend and earlier this week? Well it seems to me that for one bird to be in the same place as previous days and be a totally different individual is just too much of an improbability for me to accept. This is the SAME bird as with previous days. But what intrigues me is the lack of any other Fieldfares in the vicinity. These are usually flocking birds and with the Pyracantha berries on view, its strange that only one individual is feeding on them!Still the Fieldfare is a fine looking bird!

Meanwhile, out in the back garden, the Wren, who is almost a daily visitor, was out and about amongst the rapidly thawing snow in the pursuit of tasty morsels. This photo was taken as the Wren raced through the plants, it's eye on the prize.

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