Wednesday, January 13, 2010

January 2010 - Garden Fieldfare

Tuesday 12th: This recent cold-snap has been bringing some unusual visitors to our garden in the hunt for food. Today, another FIRST...a Fieldfare! Now in all the years we have been feeding the birds, we have never seen a Fieldfare in or anywhere near our garden in the Winter. But today, today technically this bird was the 2nd Fieldfare in 4 days that has visited the garden. Melanie grabbed a series of 4 photos through the windows of today's bird, two of which are shown here.

Last Sunday, a good showing of a Fieldfare on top of the conifers by the house and later in the day, a second visit by a Redwing. This after a Redwing came into the garden late Saturday afternoon! So the appearance of these two unusual birds was preceded by the Pied Wagtail last week. This cold-snap has shown us that if you put the food out, you will help the birds in their time of need and may even see some uncommon visitors!


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