Saturday, February 27, 2010

February 2010 - Wren in the house!!

Thursday 25th: Not content with waiting outside for his fix of mealworms, our local friendly Wren has now taken it upon himself to come into the kitchen for a bite to eat. Though unsure of himself: he cautiously looks around, grabs a mealworm and then off he goes. We suspect that he has watched a female Blackbird coming into the kitchen to get some mealworms and learnt from her! This short video was taken by Melanie at 11am last Thursday.

The videos below show the female Blackbird who we suspect the Wren has been watching. She has been coming to the kitchen for over a year now and has raised at least 2 broods in the garden. We know it is the same female as she has a distinctive hump on her back of feathers that she developed last year while raising her broods. We believe that she comes into the kitchen to avoid rival Blackbirds as they tend not to come in and she can eat all the mealworms she wants without getting mobbed. Melanie also captured these videos.

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