Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 2010 - Tawny Owl in garden last night!

Sunday 7th: At 11pm last night Melanie opened the back-door only to glimpse an owl perched on a feeder bar! She saw enough of it before it silently took flight. After discussing the shape, size,colour and ID-ing the raptor from the Internet, we are 99% sure it was a Tawny Owl. I believe this is not unusual as a few years ago I too also saw an Owl perched on the feeders in the garden and that was while I was doing some astronomy and operating the telescope. I suspect that Owls pay regular visits to our garden and others during the course of the night. Unfortunately no photo was obtained of last night's apparition. But we will get one sooner or later!

The Robin pair were again sighted in the garden this morning by Mel and it looks like they are setting-up a nest near to last years' nest.

Our friendly Wren has again been around all day and never seems to go far from the back-door. Yesterday I saw him (not sure if it is a Him or Her), go into the kitchen on two separate occasions as I was working outside, to get some mealworms. Today, the Wren has paid regular visits to the kitchen and on one occasion a female Blackbird stood over the bowl of mealworms so he had to wait.

This female Blackbird is the familiar "Nice Misses" as we have called her. See earlier posts about her raising broods last year in the garden. She paid at least two visits that I saw and possibly others that I didn't see.

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