Tuesday, March 30, 2010

March 2010 - Lakeside

Tuesday 30th : It's been a lousy week so far, cold and rain....so much for Spring! So on the way to our local Supermarket, I made detour over to the lake to check on the wild life. I had heard that a Mediterranean Gull had been seen a few days earlier. Maybe a faint hope that it is still in residence amongst any Black-headed Gulls there. Well I didn't find it but I did come across 4 Meadow Pipits that were most obliging. They were perched in saplings on the edge of the lake and let me get a few images but then I pushed my luck too far and tried to get closer. Off they went! but a very good showing using bins!

The air seemed filled with some kind of small flying insects. The rain had stopped and the familiar buzz of those Summer visitors, House Martins, was everywhere in the sky. There must've been circa 50-60 House Martins all over the sky! I took a load of photos, but trying to capture these fast flying, quick turning and diving ariel acrobats was frustrating! The above image is the only one worthwhile showing!.

A couple of Pied Wagtail were close and seemed to be a pair as they always flew in tandem. No pics unfortunately. Some Mute Swans, Tufted Ducks, Mallards, Canada Geese, Coots and a lone Greylag Goose but unusually not too many waterfowl about...very quiet just like our garden at the moment.

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