Thursday, April 1, 2010

March 2010 - Old Moor RSPB

Wednesday 31st: Wow, it was perishing cold! In mid-afternoon the wind got up and made it even colder, thankfully I had taken the precaution of wearing layers of clothing and remembered my gloves! After 2 days of rain, I decided to chance the weather and get out amongst the wildlife.
Not many people at Old Moor as you would expect on a cold and blustery day. Above, you can see a photo of a Dunnock that I took at the Tree Sparrow farm. As you can see it has a ring on it's left leg. Although not unusual to see a common bird ringed, I wonder where it was captured and ringed, was it here at Old Moor or somewhere else? I think I'll have to make enquires. The highlight of the visit was the sighting of a male Yellowhammer and three Linnets at the Tree Sparrow farm. On the wader scrape the 4 Goosanders (1 male and 3 females) there gave a good showing and I was surprised that they were still in residence.

Although it was cold and not at all Spring-like, thirty to forty Sand Martins and a few Swallows were zig-zagging in the air and skimming the waters' surface. Back at the reception hide, amongst the Greenfinches and Chaffinches was a pair of Bullfinches and a male Greater Spotted Woodpecker. So apart from the wind and the cold...a fairly satisfying day out!

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