Thursday 15th: This young Blackbird has been spending most of her time in our garden. During the harsh Winter, we had up to 4 males and 5 females in the garden, all in competition for food. Since the beginning of Spring this has dropped to three females and two males. Both 'Nice-Misses', (as we call her) a female Blackbird and her mate from last year. Though he had a mishap back in September and we think was attacked by a cat, he has grown back his flight feathers but as his wing was broken, can no-longer fly. He has done well to survive the Winter. He is of course more wary of everything maybe due to his vulnerability. There is another male who was his rival last year that has laid claim to the garden and also an older female.
The Dunnock sings most days and is always around. It's remarkable how trusting the bird has become, for it does not seem at all concerned with Mel and I if we are in the garden at the same time. It just keeps on pecking at the ground and sometimes gets quite close. We have not seen the Wren since the middle of March. This tiny bird with a big call has moved-on, we think to get a mate. We are hoping that he returns with his mate and any offspring, but in reality this is unlikely.
Since the Winter, we have had an influx of Feral Pigeons. Now we don't know where they come from but it's always the same 6 that return each day to our bird table. One particular pair always arrive at the same time late in the afternoon together. The Wood Pigeons seem to dislike sharing the seed on the bird table with the Feral Pigeons and there's always some 'puffing-out' of chests and 'shoving' by the Woodies but the Ferals, they won't be intimidated and give as good as they get!!! No Robins about but occasional one may make a surprise appearance.
Talking of surprise appearances....a Goldfinch and Chaffinch dropped in recently...probably blown of course as they are usually as rare as hen's teeth, in our garden!!
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