Saturday 15th: Once again the Goldfinch (a single this time) has landed on the niger-feeder. This too stayed for some minutes and Mel was quick to grab the camera and take a few snaps! It even spent some time looking in a bush close to the feeder. We are hoping that it may take up residence in the garden. But the lure of Sandra's Bird Cafe was too strong and after a while it took off towards her place!
A male Chaffinch was again here early yesterday evening and again Mel was on hand to take a couple of snaps. The female Chaffinch visited today mid-morning but no images are available for that.

As you would expect at this time of year, the garden is still busy with birds feeding and generally doing bird-things! Even the Jackdaws are regular visitors to the garden at the moment, taking monkey-nuts and eating crushed peanuts. We didn't get a supply of live mealworms this week until yesterday and so with stocks completely depleted, we started feeding the Blackbirds and Sparrows grated mild cheese and soaked-brown bread. The birds still take this but prefer live food which is much more nutritious. Mel managed to find a local supplier as a stop-gap measure and I collected the mealworms last Wednesday. But fortunately we received 500 grammes through the post yesterday and all is well.

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