On Thursday 19th, one of the 4 eggs in the nest hatched. The next day two more chicks hatched-out. The Blackbird adults are young parents and appear to be inexperienced compared to the pair nesting on the other side of the garden. Unfortunately, this nest is fairly high up in conifers and well hidden. So we don't know if the more experienced pair have any chicks or not! Whereas the nest by the back door is well constructed in the ivy but low-down and vulnerable to predation. We know why the Blackbird female built the nest by the back door - it's handy for food! The fourth egg has not hatched yet and I think that it at this stage, it must be a "dud". The chicks are growing rapidly, so the parents must be doing something right. The male Blackbird has been at the back door for mealworms and at least once, according to my Wife, stood on the door step! Speaking of visitors to the back door, The Robins have made themselves scarce. We suspect that they have paired-off and have nested elsewhere.
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