Friday, March 27, 2009

MARCH 2009 - Blackbirds in the kitchen!

Today both the male and female Blackbirds entered the kitchen to get mealworms for their chicks! My wife snapped these two images, amongst others of the pair helping themselves to the grubs. This is the pair that nests by the back-door. Much like the Robins during the Winter, they will now come into the kitchen and root around looking for mealworms! Earlier tonight, I caught a glimpse of the male Blackbird just coming out of the kitchen while I was busy feeding Blackbird Set-B. Yes we have designated both families as Blackbird Set-A that have chicks in the nest close to the back-door and Blackbird Set-B that nest across the garden high up in the conifers. We think that the Set-B chicks are a few days younger than the Set-A chicks as both parents only really started getting into the swing of regular food sorties a few days after the Set-A birds. We haven't been able to see the Set-B chicks because of their inaccessibility but the Set-A chicks are growing very rapidly, possibly due to the sustained food supply! It is now a week since hatching and already they have that familiar gape of the beak when being fed.

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