Saturday, March 28, 2009

MARCH 2009 - Blackbird Chicks revisited!

This morning, Saturday, it's cold! The breeze gets up and just goes right through the body! Brr! So it's good to see that the Blackbird chicks of Set-A are now getting their feathers to keep them warm. Though mum still spends alot of time sitting on them, they are bigger now after 9 days and it is noticeable that mum now sits higher in the nest. Both mum and dad are still coming into the kitchen, more now as the chicks hunger urges the parents on! This morning we had 3 male Blackbirds in the garden. The interloper sat transfixed as he watched the two resident males continue to parade their dancing-duels in between feeding the chicks. Set-B parents are just as busy with the feeding duties, though no photos yet of their chicks.

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