Both parents are being tested to the full by the three chicks of 'Set-A'. When the back door is opened in the morning...there they are...waiting. Waiting for the regular handouts of mealworms. Are they reliant on us? I think that certainly when the chicks weresmaller and weaker, the Blackbirds would take every mealworn available and still would if given the chance, to safely fledge their young. Both the male and female are not at all worried about coming into the kitchen to get a beak full of grubs. The chicks are very well developed now as can be seen by the photos. The chicks from 'Set-B' still haven't been seen. This is due to the nest being high up in the conifers, so were are unable to see them. Though the parents of that brood compete quite violently at times with the parents of 'Set-A', for the grubs. We do try to ensure that both sets of parents get an equal share. Today, Sunday 29th, it being mild and sunny the birds were very active. The chicks were seen more often as they raised their beaks to the food-providing parent!
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