Sunday, April 26, 2009

APRIL 2009 - Blackbird & Sparrows in the House & visit to Potteric Carr

Sunday 26th, we have located the second nest of the female Blackbird from Family 'Set-B' and it is in our garden...maybe about ten inches from her first nest! Well, she's going to stay close to where the food supply is and we are it! The back door has to stay shut when not feeding the birds as we have our cost that the Blackbirds (female and male) along with House Sparrows, are coming into the kitchen in search of mealworms! In one instance this afternoon at 5:45pm, the female Blackbird must have sneaked into the kitchen, found there was no mealworms available and flew upstairs where she left little packages in the study. All this while we had visitors too! Anyway Melanie managed to open the window and out she flew...sorry no pictures are available! Five minutes later, she was at the back door for feeding!

The House Sparrows are also being very bold. They have started to come into the kitchen if the door is left adjar. While at Potteric Carr this afternoon, I received a phone call and it was my wife telling me that 3 Sparrows and the Blackbird female were stood on the kitchen floor waiting to be fed.

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