Saturday, April 4, 2009

APRIL 2009 - Blackbird chicks fledge & leave the nest

Friday 3rd, 15 days after the first chick hatched and 14 days after the other two hatched, all three chicks finally left the nest! I was lucky enough to witness the last two leaving the nest, after getting home from work. The first left the nest an hour earlier. So of the four eggs laid by the female Blackbird of 'Set-A', 3 chicks successfully fledged! The unhatched egg must have been removed by the adults because it was no loger in the nest. We beleive that they may have punctured it and drank the contents and then removed the shell. As for 'Set-B', there is no sign of fledging yet. Both the adults are still taking mealworms up to the nest. I suspect that these chicks are maybe 2 to 3 days behind 'Set-A' in their development.

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