Sunday, April 5, 2009

April 2009 - More Blackbird chicks fledge!!

As I thought, the Blackbird chicks from the Family 'Set B' were 2 days behind Family 'Set A'. Well today Sunday 5th, they have fledged! Though we can only see 2 fledglings, we suspect that there could be as many as four. Our reasoning is that the Blackbird Mum, (who incidentally we are now feeding mealworms exclusively since Saturday morning) in between feeding the two observable fledglings, goes back to the nest with mealworms. We can hear chirping from the nest too!

The fledglings from Family 'Set A' seem to have flown the garden, so to speak! They are now nowhere to be seen and even the parents are gone. Hopefully the fledglings will have hopped into the adjoining gardens and are being looked after by their parents who would stay reasonably close to their offspring. So they are not coming to the back door to get food, which in a way is a good thing as we don't want them to become too reliant on human intervention!!

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