Sunday 24th, two Damselflies visited our garden pond at lunchtime today. The weather was sunny and warm and this is the first occurrence of these summer beasties this year, that we are witnessed in the garden. The photos show a Common Blue (male Damselfly and a Large Red (male) Damselfly.
Later in the afternoon, I visited Wroot to see what bird life could be seen in the wide-open spaces of the countryside. Some glorious views of Reed Buntings and lots of Swallows were seen. But one particular showing of a Reed Warbler seen in full song through my scope was outstanding! Unfortunately I have no photos of this .

Going onto Hatfield Moor, I was treated to fantastic views of a pair of Linnets! Both male and female showed very well, being very accommodating on a nearby Birch. The birds stand-out very nicely against the blue sky. On the video, you may just hear the call of a distant Cuckoo. That bird was continually calling over a 30 minute period but too far away from me to go and search. Maybe next time.
It's that time of year when the newly-fledged Starlings descend onto all the feeders. This year there doesn't seem to be as many as in previous years but there are still quite a few that have made our garden their feeding station. The species is on the RED LIST OF CONSERVATION CONCERN and all efforts, even in a small way such as providing food should be made.
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