Monday, May 4, 2009

May 2009 - Potteric Carr & Hatfield Moor

Sunday 3rd, I went over to Potteric Carr hoping to see a veritable smorgasboard of bird life! Though it was a rasonably sunny and warm day, ther was a very blustary wind. Well, for only the second time of visiting the nature reserve, There were very few birds! The usual Black-Headed Gulls were out colonising Huxter Well but there was a very distinct lack of waders on the Well. Ringed Plover, Avocets and Redshank with Sand Martins and Swifts were there and usual suspects...but all-in-all, not much. Speaking to another Birder there and he reckoned that the strong winds would be a factor. But I did get a good showing of a Kingfisher (2 minute video will follow) and a Jay. Other than that....nothing!

So I dashed over to Hatfiled Moors to take-in the last 3 hours. Not much there either as it was still quite breezy! Though ther were alot of Swallows and Sand Martins buzzing about! On the water there was virtually nothing except for a solitary Oystercatcher and lapwing along with half-a-dozen Coots!

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