Sunday, May 10, 2009

May 2009 - Robin feeding chicks!

Sunday 10th, the Robin was out and about in the garden today gathering food for the chicks that hatched earlier in the week. Robin has now started visiting the kitchen again to get mealworms a these images show. Melanie has looked at the nest and there could be as many as 5 (confirmed) or maybe 6 chicks, that's one more than reported last Wednesday.

The Blackbird family 'Set-B', as we call them has finally fledged her second brood! Last night I saw one of the fledglings very well hidden in the conifers. The constant chirp-chirping was the giveaway! Both the male and female adults have been taking live mealworms to three different points in the garden. Presumably this is where the fledglings are located.

The Blackbird fledglings, now classed as immatures (we have only seen two recently and they are developing very well) from the first brood are around but not a much as had been, due to the instance of being chased off by the adults. But they will fight back if they are hungry and want mealworms. The male adult from 'Set-A' still puts in an appearance from time-to-time.

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